Submit a Talk for Consideration

PSI Week will be held virtually. If you think you have a talk or content that you'd like to share with our audience, then you have two options: Record a talk to show as part of the week or speak on a live webinar hosted by Digital Leaders.
Workforce Mobility – New Data Analysis to inform Transport/Economic Development/Spatial Planning decision making

12 March 2025, 01:00 PM

Ewan Doyle
AI x Sustainability: Bringing People and Planet into the Business Case for Adoption

11 March 2025, 10:00 AM

Claire Robinson
Using AI to improve design code accessibility and adherence at a major UK county council

10 March 2025, 04:30 PM

Peter Lawrence
Managing the Challenges of Digital Transformation in Public Sector Organizations

13 March 2025, 02:00 PM

Hadis Nazari

Are you a leader in the UK’s digital transformation of the Public Sector?

Is your organisation or service something public sector leaders need to hear about? If the answer is yes, then giving a talk and sharing your expertise means PSI Week is for you.

Submit Your Talk

Use the form here to submit details of your proposed talk. Someone from our team will reach out to you if we feel it will be a good fit. If you are NOT speaking please add the details of your speaker but include your email address.

Talk Details

Talk Description (include session takeaways) You can edit this later

Your Details

What is your email address?
What is the name of your first speaker?
Enter in here the speaker's organisation
What is your speakers role?
Please upload your first speaker's headshot
Remove media?
Please add your first speaker's bio