From Crisis to Connection: How Digital Transformation is Revolutionising Housing Related Support Services
Keirron Goffe
How tech is helping Neurodiverse people and those with learning disabilities get paid jobs
William Britton
How to adopt low code platforms to drive efficiencies, expedite digital delivery and enable employees
Emma Shaw
The new blueprint for government digital : what does it mean for the services we all rely on?
David Mann & Harry Scott-Trimble
Being truly user-led: How our users are driving the University of Exeter's digital transformation
Scarlett Yeo
Affordable assistive technology to help children hear.
Dr Tamsin Holland Brown MBBS MRCPCH PGCME BEM
Workforce Mobility – New Data Analysis to inform Transport/Economic Development/Spatial Planning decision making
Ewan Doyle
Check your long term flood risk service design using new flood risk assessment data
Paul Weller
Deming's Red Bead Experiment Meets Digital Transformation: Rethinking Process Improvement in the Digital Age
Kwame Akowua